Sunday, August 11, 2019

What Does It Mean To Be Human Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What Does It Mean To Be Human - Essay Example This has proactively made man tougher and has increased his quest to learn more about this world and break new grounds, more recently in the technological fields. How technology has shaped up the common day man’s beliefs and actions is something of an interesting discussion and one that will be studied in detail within this essay. To be human is a definitive plus and more so when man realizes that he has absolute control over the different technological regimes and undertakings, which then again have been developed by man alone. Man, machine and money might just be the real buzzwords when it comes to understanding the true technological basis but it is in fact quite a reality in the time and age of today. Without machines, and in essence, without the incorporation of technology coming to the rescue of man, there would be less advancement in the domains that have been discussed above. (Neumarkt, 2005) There would be issues for the people who have yet to understand what it feels like to be a true human, let alone a creature that has absolutely no parallels within the stretch of this galaxy. However it is man’s decipher of animals and plants to be somewhat below than the human beings’ position in this world that has put the whole discussion in a quandary. This is because man has destined for his ow n self to be the ultimate savior. Animals and plants, both of which constitute the living beings, are discarded as having the ‘germs’ to make it big within the worldly domains. And quite correctly so, for a multitude of reasons! From a technological standpoint, in an era where human progress is soaring at a dizzying rate, society must adapt its technology to solve current world issues. Technology has really changed the way in which different people are now making use of the same. One should believe that this is a world where the Internet, cell phones and notebook computers are becoming a necessity for proper living

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